Surpasses All Understanding

The peace of God - it is such a sweet feeling, to know that I am in God's will and  sense His peace in and through me. His peace guides me and helps me be certain of Hiss will when doubts assail me.  In fact, I have found the peace of God to be like His... Continue Reading →

Good Challenges

This coming Sunday, it will be exactly 2 months since I have come home from Texas. Many of you have asked (or maybe you just wondered) how my time with Gospel for Asia was. Maybe I gave you a good answer and maybe I didn't - I certainly can't remember - but I know for... Continue Reading →

Backward and Forward

One year has gone and another has come! The other day I took a couple hours to reflect back on the past year and look forward to my hopes for the coming year. I'd like to share some of these thoughts with you. Looking back on the past year I realized I went into the... Continue Reading →

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